The Plot: Gotham is a fictional city in the United States. Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), a millionaire heir, grows up determined to avenge his parents' murders at the hands of street mugger Joe Chill. Chill is assassinated by Falcone's contact before Wayne can reach him, having been released early in exchange for testifying against crime boss Carmine Falcone (Tom Wilkinson). His talk of revenge has enraged his childhood sweetheart Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes). Wayne boards a container ship on the spur of the moment. Wayne travels the globe, living among street criminals in order to gain a deeper understanding of the criminal mind.

Wayne meets the enigmatic Ducard (Liam Neeson) in China, who invites him to join the League of Shadows, a crime-fighting organization led by Ra's Al Ghul (Ken Wt). He checks out this organization, where he is taught fighting skills. Wayne, on the other hand, opposes the League's vigilante approach to justice and battles his way out of its headquarters, returning to Gotham to combat crime on his own terms.

Wayne develops his crime-fighting persona, a caped figure who soon receives the nickname "Batman," with the aid of his butler Alfred (Michael Caine) and scientist Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman). Wayne battles crime in Gotham as Batman while maintaining his public image as a spoiled millionaire. By interfering with a drug shipment, Batman is able to apprehend Falcone. When Batman looked into this supply, he discovered

Batman learns that the League of Shadows, led by Ducard (now known as Ra's Al Ghul), is planning to unleash Crane's hallucinogen into Gotham in order to rid the city of its corruption through mass rioting. But, after defeating Ducard in battle, Batman stops the League from releasing the drug across the city, saving Gotham.

Who would enjoy the film: People who like thrill, action, super heroes and Christian bale would love the film. However people who are trying to trace a story line like spider man or any of Marvel movies are headed for disappointed as the movie has explored a story which is not very much elaborated in the comic and has less super fictional content 

Rating PG 13 / Parents should be aware that Batman Begins contains graphic action, martial arts, and shootings that are depicted in a dark tone


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