Pulp Fiction (1994) Review

Pulp Fiction can be considered as possibly one of the most influential movies made in history. Even after decades, the movie still feels fresh and captivating. The movie itself is sort of like a tribute to the pulp stories written in the 1940s and 1950s which tended to have witty dialogue and excessive violence. The random chatting between characters regarding random topics might feel as wasting time as they are not related to the plot however, Tarantino believes in character development more than he does in plot development so these chats actually humanize the characters a lot and makes them relatable and memorable. 

This movie progresses from start to finish in collection of various, separate scenes and is an absolute must watch just for the fantastic screenplay alone in which the actors arguably give their career’s best performance. Together with the ability of Tarantino to create a really tense situation keeps you on the edge of your seats throughout the movie.

All in all, if you want an entertaining and clever movie this is the one. It is funny, filled with great dialogues and writing, superbly acted and is simply a spectacular experience.


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