Rescue Dawn

The Plot

Dieter Dengler (Christian Bale), a real-life navy pilot, crashes his plane during a secret mission in Laos in 1965.

Locals apprehend him and imprison him in a makeshift jungle prison camp, where he soon plots his escape after learning that the other inmates have been there for over two years. Dieter is eager to escape and makes hasty preparations to flee. Since they need to wait for the rainy season, Dieter and his comrades devise a scheme to take over the camp and flee. Things go wrong, and only Dieter and the helicopter pilot, Duane (played superbly by Steve Zahn), are able to flee. 

Is it worth your time?

The film was directed beautifully with all the characters played magnificently by the brilliant cast of the film. 

The large shots of the jungle are beautiful, however the beauty of the jungle is evenly balanced with the close-up shots of abused bodies and maggots (which act as lunch for the starving inmates) are disturbing. 

The movies best scene comes with its happy ending and the most traumatic scene is when the bloodsucking leeches are removed from the skin of Dieter and Duane. 

If prison break, nature and history are your interests then you would certainly enjoy the film however if you are looking for thrill and a lot of action then this movie might not satisfy your craving.

Age rating 

The film is suitable for 14+ age viewers but not for younger audiences


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