No Country for Old Men (2007) Review


The movie can be called an extremely violent chase story with elements of noir.

The premise and story are quite simple and straightforward with few twists. Set in 1980s, while on a hunting trip, the protagonist called Llewelyn Moss, played by Josh Brolin, finds a group of dead men along with lots of cash in the remote countryside of Texas, which is the result of a drug deal gone awry. Moss’ greed makes him take the cash, but afterwards soon discovers that an outlaw named Anton Chigurh, played Javier Bardem, is tracking the cash. Meanwhile, a Texas sheriff named Ed Tom, played by Tommy Lee Jones, is searching for both Moss and Chigurh.

To an extent, the movie is really about the sheriff, Ed Tom, who doesn’t really understand the drug war that has spilled over from Mexico into Texas, to him its something foreign that is making the land more hostile and dangerous.

Overall, both the casting and ac
ting are impressive.
Especially, the performance of Tommy Lee Jones who seemed perfect for the role of the Sheriff.  Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin are well cast and several minor roles are also extremely well performed.

The movie’s cinematography is outstanding, there are many sweeping, wide-angle outdoor shots. The geographic setting includes whistling Texas wind, silence and the stunning vistas. It's a landscape that is stark yet beautiful which can quickly turn hostile and unforgiving. A lot of time and attention is given to simple actions like loading guns etc. The dialogue is minimal which adds to the overall atmosphere.

Highly recommended movie for any one who like a fast paced action movie.


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